viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

Welcome !

Welcome to the Dominican Republic!

Pisano Family!

I Hope you can all have a great time here and cherish all the good moments in the following days!

  I Give you a warm welcome to my country and wish you lots of fun discovering and getting in touch with the Dominican culture and It's people! 

 Some good stuff          


This is Santo Domingo, Our church is somewhere inside this photo :) 

Here is some Dominican music :)
(Click the following link)

 -->  Dominican Merengue  <--

Use Sun Cream when swimming, or even going out for a walk, you don't want to become a choco pie :) 

Here my free Basic Spanish lessons so you can learn how to greet people :D

Hi/Hello = Hola
How are you? = Como estas?
Good morning: Buenos Dias
Good Afternoon : Buenas Tardes
Good Evening : Buenas Noches
Thank you: Gracias
Sorry: Perdon / Lo siento / Disculpame
Excuse me: Disculpa
I'm Hungry: Tengo Hambre
Oh my God!: Ay Dios Mio!
Bye: Adios

1= Uno
2= Dos
3= Tres
4= Cuantro
5= Cinco 

Hope that all of you can have a lot of fun! :) x


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